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Tak bisa dipungkiri, bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu bahasa selain bahasa Indonesia yang paling banyak dipelajari masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini tak terjadi karena bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa resmi internasional. Bahkan dalam bangku sekolah, banyak dari masyarakat Indonesia sudah diperkenalkan dengan Bahasa Inggris, mengingat betapa penting mempeljari bahasa ini. Banyak anak muda yang mulai tertarik mendalami bahasa Inggris dan mulai menggunakannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tak bisa dipungkiri, praktek berlatih menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara rutin memang sangatlah efektif untuk meningkatkan skill bahasa kita. Nah buat kalian yang mulai tertarik untuk berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris, tak ada salahnya kalian mencoba memakai beberapa kata berikut biar kalian keliatan lebih jago dan keren. Yuk langsung simak aja!

Other ways to say ‘good luck’

-         Best of luck

-         You’ll do great

-         Finger crossed

-         I hope it goes well

-         Blow them a way

-         Break a leg

-         You’ll do great

-         I hope things turn out fine

Other ways to say ‘yes’

-         Definitely

-         Great idea

-         Sure

-         Of course

-         I guess so

-         Sounds good to me

-         I’m afraid so

-         So do I/ Me too

-         Neither Do I/ Me neither

-         You bet

-         Certainly

-         I absolutely agree

-         You have a point here

Other ways to say ‘hello’

-         Good to see you

-         What’s up?

-         Howdy?

-         Long time no see

-         Great to see you

-         How have you been

-         How are you feeling today?

-         Nice to see you again

Other ways to say ‘I like it’

-         It appeals to me

-         I’m keen on it

-         I’m really into it

-         I fancy it

-         I’m passionate about it

-         It’s to my liking

-         I adore it

-         I’m partial to it

-         It looks fantastic

-         This is wicked

-         I’m partial to it

-         I’m crazy about it.

Other ways to say ‘I am tired’

-         I’m spent

-         I’m dog tired

-         I’m spent

-         I’m bushed

-         I’m exhausted

-         I’m pooped

-         I’m off to bed

-         I’m worn out

-         I’m beat

-         I’m whacked

Other ways to say ‘Hurry up’

-         Come on

-         Shake a leg

-         Get cracking

-         Chop-chop

-         Move on

-         Let’s pick up the pace

-         Get a move on

Other ways to say ‘I do not like it’

-         I’ve had enough

-         I don’t appreciate that

-         I’ve had enough

-         I’m not a big fan of it

-         I dislike it

-         I pass

Other ways to say ‘I do not know’

-         I don’t have a clue

-         I have no idea

-         Beats me

-         Search me

-         It’s beyond me

-         I’m not 100% sure on that

-         Who knows?

-         I don’t have any information about that

-         Let me check on that

-         I’m unsure

-         I’ll double check and let you know

Other ways to say ‘congratulations’

-         Outstanding!

-         Good job!

-         Good on you!

-         You rock!

-         You really deserve it!

-         Now that’s what I call a fine job!

-         Right on!

-         That’s great!

-         That’s first class work!

-         Superb!

-         That’s the way!

-         Good going!

Other ways to say ‘sorry’

-         I beg your pardon

-         Forgive me

-         Pardon me

-         My apologies

-         I have to seek an apology from you

-         I feel so miserable

-         I deeply regret this

Kredit foto:


Vyta Bella
