Smoking in Public Places Has To Be Banned

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Smoking in Public Places Has To Be Banned

Smoking is one activity that can break our bodies. The smokers burn the cigarette and they throw out the cigarette smoke and it so dangerous for themself also another. Smoking can cause many problems in our bodies. Smoking can erase our healthy life. When we are smoking, people around us will feel disturbed by our smoke. People need to be living healthy. These are the reason that smoking in public places has to be banned.

Firstly, smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body. In America, more than 16 million people are living with a disease caused by smoking. (The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2014). The disease can cause many problems in our bodies. The dangers of smoking are caused by the various contents found in a cigarette. It is estimated that there are more than 7.000 chemicals found in it. The dangerous chemical material is found there. Example one is nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant that can improve our mood and improve our memory and concentration. However, this substance can cause addiction or addiction effects, making it difficult for smokers to stop smoking. In addition, people who are addicted to nicotine are also at risk for dangerous side effects of nicotine, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, reduced appetite, shortness of breath, nausea, and diarrhea.

Secondly, smoking can cause death. We almost listen to the death caused by smoking around us. It is made smoking is very dangerous for us. From World Health Organization (WHO), said that the number of death in the world caused by smoking reach 30% or 17,3 million people. This number is estimated to always will increase until 2030. WHO predicted in 2030, 23 million people will die because of smoking. In addition, WHO also noted that the increased risk of lung cancer in passive smokers reached 20-30%. The risk for heart disease was 25-35%. The number of early deaths caused by smoking in the world was recorded at almost 5.4 million. If the awareness about the dangers of smoking does not grow in the world, it is predicted that in 2025, 10 million smokers will die.

Smoking is one activity that can break our bodies. The smokers burn the cigarette and they throw out the cigarette smoke and it so dangerous for themself also another. Smoking can cause many problems in our bodies. Smoking can erase our healthy life. When we are smoking, people around us will feel disturbed by our smoke. People need to be living healthy. These are the reason that smoking in public places has to be banned.

Firstly, smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body. In America, more than 16 million people are living with a disease caused by smoking. (The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2014). The disease can cause many problems in our bodies. The dangers of smoking are caused by the various contents found in a cigarette. It is estimated that there are more than 7.000 chemicals found in it. The dangerous chemical material is found there. Example one is nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant that can improve our mood and improve our memory and concentration. However, this substance can cause addiction or addiction effects, making it difficult for smokers to stop smoking. In addition, people who are addicted to nicotine are also at risk for dangerous side effects of nicotine, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, reduced appetite, shortness of breath, nausea, and diarrhea.

Secondly, smoking can cause death. We almost listen to the death caused by smoking around us. It is made smoking is very dangerous for us.  From World Health Organization (WHO), said that the number of death in the world caused by smoking reach 30% or 17,3 million people. This number is estimated to always will increase until 2030. WHO predicted in 2030, 23 million people will die because of smoking. In addition, WHO also noted that the increased risk of lung cancer in passive smokers reached 20-30%. The risk for heart disease was 25-35%. The number of early deaths caused by smoking in the world was recorded at almost 5.4 million. If the awareness about the dangers of smoking does not grow in the world, it is predicted that in 2025, 10 million smokers will die.

Thirdly, smoking can make pollution in public areas. Smoke from a cigarette can make other people feel uncomfortable. Smoking can release the toxin into the air, and people will inhale that. Pollution also can make our lungs dirty. It can make cancer also. Our air is wanting in good quality, so we can inhale it healthy. Global warming has become a big problem because of the solid inflow of toxins into the air. This problem should be done if we want to live healthily. For breathing, we need clean air. Clean air is air with no pollution. We need life healthy for a better life. 

Smoking is dangerous, and we need to avoid it. We need to educate smokers that smoking can kill themselves also many people. Trying to stop smoking is trying to save millions of people in the world. Our world needs clean air for life. Awareness is the key to all of that. Stop smoking and save people around the world.




foto Arjuna Pranadya
Arjuna Pranadya

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