The political revolution that has happened in developed countries may affect economic situation in Asia. As future accountant and economists in Indonesia, we need to have better understanding and be able to analyze the impacts toward asian countries, especially in Indonesia. 🎓 HMJA STIE YKPN YOGYAKARTA 🎓 🎉 Proudly Present 🎉 🌎 International Seminar 🌎
"The Influence of World Political Revolution Towards Asia Economy"
📅 Date : Saturday, May 20th, 2017
🕗 Time : 08.00 WIB - finish
📠Venue : Seminar Room, 3rd floor STIE YKPN YOGYAKARTA
Moderator :
Dr. Soegiharto, M.Acc., Ak., CA., CIBA., CMA.
Speakers :
-Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih, M.Sc
-Prof. Sidharta Utama SE., MBA., Ph.D
-David Gilchirst -Sri Mulyani Indrawati, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D*
Ticket Fee :
-STIE YKPN Students : Rp 110.000
-Students : Rp 115.000
-Non Students : Rp 120.000
-On the spot : Rp 135.000
Open Registration March 13rd - May 10th 2017 :
The secretariat of HMJA STIE YKPN GPS 037
Contact Person :
Prima : 085769095319
(Line) primabektifidyasari
Ismi : 085741421645
(Line) ismikhonsa_
For more information :
Twitter : @SemInterHMJA
Instagram : @seminter_HMJAYKPN
Rp 110.000
Rp 115.000
Rp 120.000
Rp 135.000
* Silahkan login terlebih dahulu untuk membeli tiket