HIMAHI Paramadina proudly presents:
✨LAST PROJECT 2021: Action to Raise Awareness and Tackle the Climate Crisis✨
📆 2 Desember - 5 Desember 2021
There will be
- Webinar “ASEAN dalam Mengoptimalkan Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Ekonomi Sirkular” 🌐
- Model United Nations “A Race Against Time: Addressing the Impending Climate Crisis” (council: UNEP) 🌏
- Turnamen E-Sport (Mobile Legends) 👾
- Awarding Night with Special Guest Stars 🏆
For more information:
- Hannan: +62 881 8876296
- Asti: +62 813 11770916
- Sabilar: 0895 422856978
Visit us at
Instagram @lastproject21