📢📢 HIMALOGBIS Polytchnic Pos Indonesia Proudly Present: 🎉🎉
H16URSCHE LOGOS "16th Business Logistics Anniversary" 🎉🎉
We will present our greatest event to you, it was called BURSCHE MUSIC with our popular artist:
- Rocket Rockers (@rocket_rockers)
- DJ Ari Irham (@ariirhamm)
- Sapi Punkgank Rica-rica (@sapipunkgank)
- Jupitour (@jupitour.id)
- The Silver (@thesilvermusic)
We will be held on:
📆 15th December 2017 🤠at Auditorium Polytechnic Pos Indonesia
Ⱐopen gate 06.30-07.00 p.m 💰 Presale 1 only 40K until 8th December
💰 Presale 2 only 45K until 14th December
💰 On The Spot only 50K
So, get your ticket now or never. Come on out and let's hang out with us!! See our full story for information at @himalogbispoltekpos or contact us for more information: 📞 089602541995 (@Rifal_fauzi)
📞 082161012241 (@Ikhwanzibar)
#himalogbis #himalogbisanniversary#mahasiswapoltekpos #poltekposupdate#eventbandung #musicbandung #artist#rocketrockers #ariirham #sparc #thesilver#jupitour #rocketrockshow #arhamnatic - #regrann