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Wanna Learn English? This Is 3 Fun and Easy Ways To Learn English

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Wanna Learn English? This Is 3 Fun and Easy Ways To Learn English

Being multilingual or mastering several languages has many important benefits. Not only make it easier for us to communicate with foreigners, but also it can helps us to one step closer to the world. According to the Chinese Proverb that learning a language means to have one more window to see the world. Because of that, i will give you some easy ways to learn foreign language.

First, watch a movie in the language that you want to learn. For those of you who like watching movies, this is very pleasant way to go. There are many common phrases you can find in a movie that are really useful in daily conversation. You will get visual entertainment and at the same time you will also learning language without realizing it. I personally recommend you to watch comedy film or animated movie like Ratatouille. There are so many english daily conversation that you can learn to improve your speaking skills.

Second is reading. Reading will help you to improve your vocabulary numbers and it also an effective way to learn about the grammar. If you want to learn about the grammar maybe you can read a newspaper more often because it has proper grammar. You can read it first and then your write retell it by writing in your own language and then you match it with the article you just read. This is how you improve your writing skills

The last but not least is keep practice. It will be useless if you know the language like you understand about what they said but you can’t explain it in the speaking ways because you’ve never practice. So, if you have a friend that good in the language you want to learn maybe you can ask them to always speak using that language with you. If you don’t have a friend to talk in english with you, don’t worry because you can use your video features on your phone. Just pretend to be a vlogger and tell what you've been through in a day. Practice it everyday and I’m sure your speaking skill will improve.

Being confident is the key if you want to learn a new language. Always studying and don’t be afraid to practice it. Don’t worry if you make a mistake because mistake makes perfect.






foto Luthfiana

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