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Online Learning vs Offline Learning

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Online Learning vs Offline Learning

Are you feel comfortable with the online learning system? or you still can not move with the offline learning system? The following is an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages between online learning and offline learning. The first is distance, Indeed there is no distance in online learning and it also does not require physical needs such as study rooms, teachers and students are made easier because they can learn and teach anywhere and anytime, in contrast to offline learning which requires a physical learning space. Finally, the distance seemed to be a problem because it made it difficult for teachers and students from different locations, they had to travel to meet face to face in the study room. The second is Time, the online learning process is more flexible and students can study anytime or the schedule can be adjusted. This can be beneficial for those who work and do not have much time to come for offline learning. Meanwhile, this offline learning system requires commitment and time discipline related to teachers and students. Furthermore, namely Technology and Communication Skills, online learning requires teachers and students to join in using technology facilities from digital devices to internet connections, this increases their abilities in the technology field. Meanwhile, offline learning is still quite behind in terms of typing skills, because offline learning does not always use digital technology facilities in the learning and teaching process.

           Even from the level of cheating, with the internet, the level of cheating in online learning has increased. Students can freely use the google or youtube application. Compared to learning online, offline learning has less cheating rates. In terms of examinations, the supervision of students is tighter because they are directly supervised. The last one is focus level, always connected to the online world can trigger children not to focus on online learning, they can easily learn while playing mobile, Instagram, Facebook, etc which makes students not focus on the material presented by the teacher. In contrast to offline learning which mostly prohibits students from carrying cellphones when studying, this conditions students to stay focused on learning. However,in my opinion, Offline Learning is more effective than Online Learning.


foto Arjuna Pranadya
Arjuna Pranadya

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